
How To Remove Surface Scrtaches From Giani Paint

Detailed Giani Countertop Paint instructions to assistance you transform even the most basic countertops into something beautiful and new!

If you lot're stuck with ugly countertops, don't want to suspension the bank, and don't know what to do to ready it, boy do I have an amazingly affordable solution for you!

What if I told you that you tin get new countertops, without actually going out and buying new countertops?

Permit me explain….

With Giani Granite Countertop paint you tin makeover your countertops to look similar granite if they aren't. Or even update the design of granite countertops you don't love. The latter was my state of affairs.

black granite countertops with gray kitchen cabinets

The awesome people at Giani offered to transport me the paint kit to share how information technology works and the outcome with you guys.

Yup! If I can practice it, trust that y'all can do information technology too!

And the all-time part is it won't take a agglomeration of fourth dimension.  AND even more important is it won't take a bunch of coin either!

Giani Granite is a granite countertop DIY makeover solution.

What Types of Countertops Can Giani Granite Be Used On?

Despite its proper noun, information technology is non only made for employ on granite. 1 of the biggest questions I get is "tin Giani Granite be used on my countertops?".

So I have listed what Giani Granite can be used on.

  • Forest
  • Metallic
  • Marble
  • Granite
  • Concrete
  • Formica
  • Laminate
  • Primed Plastic

Full Giani Countertop Pigment Instructions

With Giani Granite countertop paint you can give your countertops a new, fresh makeover in 3 days or less, with 3 very easy steps.

At present let me say that is Non including the prep work. And then let's start with that, correct after I requite yous the additional materials list.

Materials Needed For your Giani Application

I used the Giani Granite Chocolate Brown kit, there are several others that you tin can cull from.  I accept linked them here.

  • Paint tray
  • Paint tray liner (optional)
  • Frog Record (or regular painters tape)
  • Scissors
  • Xylene or Lacquer thinner
  • Rubbing booze
  • Paper plates
  • Lamb Wool Stain Applicator
  • #600 Grit Sandpaper

All other materials needed are included in the Giani Kit.

giani granite chocolate brown countertop kit

Prepping Your Countertops For Your DIY Makeover

The prep piece of work varies based on the material group listed below. Read through the instructions for the group that applies to your countertop material.

Group 1 Materials
Group 2 Materials
Group 3 Materials
Primed Plastic

Group one prep instructions

These materials crave that you degloss. And you tin practise that with the #600 grit sandpaper. And so clean with a damp cloth without any additional cleaners.

For unsealed wood, it is recommended that yous apply a good wood primer using a cream roller to ensure no texture is added to the surface and allow for a shine finish when consummate.

And and so keep with instructions for all groups.

Group ii prep instructions

Granite and concrete that are fully cured crave that you clean the surface with xylene or lacquer thinner. Making sure to follow the instructions for use of the product that yous are using.

xylene container on black granite countertop

Once complete, wipe the surface with rubbing alcohol to ensure any wax or sealer is removed.

rubbing alcohol on black granite countertop

Go on with instructions for all groups.

Instructions for all groups

Remove all caulking with a box cutter and clean any rest left behind with rubbing alcohol.

Use a Brillo or SOS pad to remove all grease and dirt. Clean using merely water, at least 2 times, to fully make clean countertops.

Patch any deep nicks and scratches with forest filler iif needed. Once the wood filler is dry, sand the wood patch with a #600 fine dust sandpaper. Wipe the dirt and balance with a damp fabric. No cleaners!

Tape the edges of your piece of work surface to preclude overpainting and making a mess on unintended spaces. Cover cabinets to forestall spills.

tapping sink for countertop painting

nosotros only tapped the sink because we are installing backsplash next

Now that we got the prep work out of the style, on to the iii easy steps.

How To Makeover Your Countertops Using Giani Granite Countertop Kit

Granite Countertops DIY Broken Into Easy To Follow Steps

Prime number the Countertop to set up for Giani Awarding

primed countertop using giani granite

chocolate brown kit, blackness primer

In this pace, you employ the provided rollers and primer to thoroughly comprehend the countertops.
Materials for each step are labeled appropriately.

I recommend shaking the primer tin upwardly good before opening information technology.

ginani granite chocolate brown countertop kit

Starting with the backsplash and use the roller to embrace 2-human foot sections with primer. Motion to the countertop using the same steps. Applying a thin coat.

Per the instructions, you work in two-foot sections and try to avert overlap lines. And so yous have to wait 8 hours for the primer to dry out before moving to the adjacent step.

Clean your roller disposing of the roller comprehend.

Applying The Giani Granite Minerals

Cut your sponge in half, and then cut each half in half. You lot can see what I mean in the video. Doing this volition leave you with four fairly equal sponge pieces.

After all pieces are seperated rub each of the sponge pieces and milk shake them to remove whatever droppings from the sponges.

Cascade a pocket-sized corporeality of each mineral color on its ain paper plate.

giani granite chocolate brown countertop paint on paper plates

Exercise the application on the blackness sheet in the kit before starting on your bodily countertops. This allows you to get a feel for what you will be doing on the countertops. I strongly recommend that you don't skip this pace.

Starting with mineral 2a, the middle shade between the 3, begin by dabbing (softly, not blotting) on the surface. This is too done in 2×two human foot sections.

giani ganite countertop paint 2a section being painted

Allowing the blackness primer to show through.
While 2a is still wet, you can become alee and use 2b to the department.

The minerals blend best if this step is done while the last one is still wet.

Apply 2b, the darker brown, using the aforementioned motion over 2a. Once complete, motion on to 2c, the lightest of the 3 colors.

One time all three colors are complete employ the final sponge piece, with nada on it, to dab over the pigment and alloy it together. Using the dry sponge dab over the area in the same mode you did during paint application.

Later on doing all three colors and then dabbing with the dry sponge, I went through with 2a and 2b to lighten the tone a picayune. My personal preference.
Anybody's preferences will be different.

Then, when each 2×2 section is complete, you can move to the adjacent department until the entire counter, edges, and backsplash are fully covered.

I love painting. To me, it is therapeutic, so the time flew by.

giani granite chocolate brown painting in progress

I went through and did the flat surface first and then did the edge. This was so that I didn't mess up the border while trying to accomplish parts of the countertop.

After I had completed all of the layers, I allowed for a drying time of 4 hours.

Once it dried, I used #600 dust sandpaper to sand downwards and smooth the surface.

sandpaper block on painted countertop

I used a #400 considering my hardware shop didn't have #600. I wiped the cake in a very low-cal motion across the countertop to polish the surface. And and so wiped the counter with a damp fabric to remove all the grit from sanding.

Protect Your Faux Granite Countertops

Like the others, milkshake the tin can of topcoat earlier opening.

In this footstep, you use the provided roller and topcoat to thoroughly embrace the countertops. And go along with the working in 2-foot sections to try to avert overlap lines.

I recommend that you lot do at least ii coats but no more than than 3 of the protective end.

One time complete, allow drying for at to the lowest degree an hour. And then remove the record. Information technology's always a adept idea score the tape each with a blade to avert the paint peeling off and slowly pull tape upwards.

My tips from my experience using Giani Granite countertop pigment kit

  • Be sure to move appliances, similar your stove and fridge, to allow even application along all edges before starting.
  • Utilize dedicated cleaning rags to avoid contaminating the space.
  • When painting, apply fitted gloves to aid brand clean up a cakewalk. I do this for nearly everything.

disposable plastic gloves

  • Do not let anything to affect your countertops betwixt steps to avoid introducing substances or dirt on the surface.
  • Have a damp rag handy in example paint gets somewhere it shouldn't. For me, it was the cabinets and flooring. Equally we did not encompass the cabinets and we dropped pigment on the floor a couple of times.
  • I applied the commencement coat of topcoat with the roller. It streaked. So I went and got a lambskin tool similar this one hither to give it a more even terminate for the last ii coats.

kitchen coutertop makeover

kitchen countertops painted in chocolate brown

Granite Countertop DIY Using Giani Granite

Active Time: two hours

Full Time: two hours

Difficulty: Medium

Estimated Cost: $100.00


  • Paint tray
  • Paint tray liner (optional)
  • Frog Tape (or regular painters tape)
  • Pair of scissors
  • Xylene or Lacquer thinner
  • Rubbing booze
  • Paper plates
  • Lamb Wool Stain Applicator
  • #600 Grit Sandpaper



Grouping ane materials

  1. Degloss with a #600 grit sandpaper. Clean with a damp cloth without whatsoever additional cleaners.
  2. For unsealed woods, it is recommended that yous apply a good woods primer using a foam roller to ensure no texture is added to the surface and allow for a smooth finish when complete.
  3. Proceed with instructions for all groups.

Group two materials

  1. Granite and concrete that are fully cured require that you make clean the surface with xylene or lacquer thinner. Post-obit the instructions for use of the production that you are using.
  2. Once consummate, wipe the surface with rubbing alcohol to ensure any wax or sealer is removed.
  3. Continue with instructions for all groups.

All groups

  1. Remove all caulking with a box cutter and clean any residue left behind with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Employ a Brillo or SOS pad to remove all grease and dirt. Make clean using merely water, at least two times, to fully make clean countertops.
  3. Patch whatever deep nicks and scratches with wood filler. One time the forest filler is dry, sand the forest patch with a #600 fine grit sandpaper. Wipe the clay and residue with a damp cloth. No cleaners!
  4. Tape the edges of your work surface to prevent overpainting and making a mess on unintended spaces. Encompass cabinets to prevent spills.



  1. Shake the primer tin can well earlier opening.
  2. Starting with the backsplash, employ the roller to cover two-foot sections. Movement to the counter using the aforementioned steps. Applying a sparse glaze.
  3. Working in two-foot sections effort to avert overlap lines.
  4. Wait eight hours for the primer to dry out before moving to Step two.
  5. Clean your roller disposing of the roller comprehend.

Employ Giani Granite Minerals

  1. Cut your sponge in one-half, and then cut each half in one-half. Leaving y'all with four fairly equal sponge pieces.
  2. Rub and milkshake each sponge to remove whatsoever debris from the sponges.
  3. Pour a small amount of each mineral color on its ain newspaper plate.
  4. Starting with mineral 2a brainstorm by dabbing (softly, not blotting) on the surface. Again this is washed in 2×two foot sections. Allowing the black primer to bear witness through.
  5. While 2a is nevertheless wet apply 2b to the section as the minerals blend all-time of washed while still wet. Utilise 2b using the same motion over 2a. Once consummate, motion on to 2c.
  6. Once you have done all three colors use the last sponge slice to dab over the paint and alloy. Using the dry out sponge dab over the expanse in the same manner.
  7. In one case each ii×2 activeness is complete, move to the side by side section until the unabridged counter, edges, and backsplash are covered.
  8. Allow drying for 4 hours.
  9. Using #600 grit sandpaper, sand downward and polish surface. Wipe with a damp textile and let dry.


  1. Shake the can of topcoat before opening.
  2. In this footstep, you use the provided roller and topcoat to thoroughly encompass the countertops.
  3. Working in two-foot sections endeavor to avoid overlap lines.
  4. It is recommended that you do at least 2 coats only no more three.
  5. One time complete, allow drying for at to the lowest degree an 60 minutes.
  6. Remove tape. To avoid paint peel-off score the record each with a blade and slowly pull tape upwards.

Click here to come across the total countertop reveal!

And that's it friends!  In three days (or less) if you follow these instructions for using your Giani Granite paint kit, you lot tin can accept brand new countertops using Giani Granite Countertop Paint! Order your Giani Countertop Kit Here pickup same day in most cases!

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How To Remove Surface Scrtaches From Giani Paint,


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